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HomePersonal GrowthA Warriors Weekend with The Samurai Game® [WW]


The Samurai Game® is a highly challenging, psychologically intense simulation game in which participants take on the role of medieval Samurai, and cross a boundary in the mind and, for the duration of the game, operate under unfamiliar modes of relationship and governance.

The Samurai Game® was invented in 1977 by author George Leonard (Mastery, The Silent Pulse, The Ultimate Athlete, The Life We Are Given, Walking on the Edge of the World, The Way of Aikido: Life Lessons from an American Sensei, and six other books).

George served as a combat pilot in World War II and afterwards became senior editor for Look Magazine, eventually becoming one of the most published writers for both Look and Esquire magazines.

The Samurai Game® is considered by many to be one of the most intense, engaging and powerful simulations available anywhere in the world. It is particularly valued as a way to cultivate awareness, resourcefulness and decisiveness in situations marked by uncertainty, chaos and unforeseeable difficulties.

The Game was inspired by George’s experience flying combat missions in the Asia Pacific theater during World War II, and his discovery and immersion in Aikido, meditation and related mind-body disciplines. He first got the idea for The Samurai Game® while walking from his home to the Aikido dojo to teach class one evening. Arriving at the dojo, he led the students in the first iteration of the Game. The next week, his Aikido students reported how impactful their experience of the Game had been the previous week, and asked to play it again. George began refining the Game and soon was leading it for other groups and personal development centers, such as Esalen Institute.

Since 1977, tens of thousands of people have played The Samurai Game® around the world.


The Warriors Weekend is your personal opportunity to experience The Samurai Game®.

In this highly challenging, psychologically intense simulation Game, you will take on the role of medieval Samurai. You are invited to cross a boundary in the mind and, for the duration of the game, operate under unfamiliar modes of relationship and governance.

From this perspective, you can gain sharp new awareness about your customary behaviour patterns. The Game thus becomes a mirror for how you live your life, at home and at work.

The Game simulates intensity and immediacy in a way that is commonly associated only with actual combat, but which many encounter in life.

In action, the Game is subtle and complex and, as in life, there will be times when you are never quite certain of all the rules or of exactly what is going on. You may find yourself experiencing situations in the Game which remind you of challenges that you have sought to overcome in your life.

The Game provides an intense test of integrity when no one is watching, support when the going gets tough and rules do not easily apply, and commitment when the future is unclear and there is no certainty of success.

Fully experiencing the Game opens the possibility of gaining powerful life-changing insights and shifts for yourself.


Possible outcomes for participants of the Samurai Game® include:

  • A profound sense of purpose in life and career
  • A passionate urgency in thought and action
  • An experience of being totally present in the moment
  • A new respect and empathy for others
  • A courageous embracing of responsibility and challenge
  • An openness to new possibilities in leadership


  • Age 18 & above or age 16-17 with parental consent


Programme Brochure


Image source: Forbes Mexico


For The Samurai Game® in a corporate setting, click here.

For schools and educational institutions, contact us.


(Inclusive of SST)