Colourful Living Workshops
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The 5th Element [5E]
The ability and capacity to express our sexuality in a healthy and enlightened way can bring that much more fulfilment in our lives and...
Relationship Workshop [RW]
Whether you are looking for a relationship, or longing to rekindle the passion you once had, or wanting to be close to someone important...
Power of Intimacy [POI]
We are wired for survival in a very powerful way, and this colours every thought we think and every act we do. This instinct...
Living Everyday in Abundance & Prosperity [LEAP]
Life can seem like an endless pursuit for ease and security. We want enough money to ward off our worry about the future. We...
Colourful Living Workshops [CLW]
What areas of your life would be important to you? Inner peace, a sense of equanimity in the face of uncertain futures, a more...