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DT-12: Discovery Training

Discovery begins with awareness. Based on proven theories and models of thinking, Discovery will help you challenge old assumptions and create new tools to access issues that are basic and common, yet most relevant and urgent for you. It is …

Advanced Living Series Preview

The ALS Preview is an evening of fun and laughter with insightful moments where you can get a taste of the experiential training exercises you will encounter in the Advanced Living Series. It is an opportunity to find out more …

SWH-2: Switching Hats

Switching Hats for LPs is a customised version of Switching Hats for Leadership Dexterity which is one part of the stable of Corporate Solutions available to organisations who are clients of Heart Knocks.

Advanced Living Series Preview

The ALS Preview is an evening of fun and laughter with insightful moments where you can get a taste of the experiential training exercises you will encounter in the Advanced Living Series. It is an opportunity to find out more …