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HomePersonal GrowthRelationship Workshop [RW]


There are so many dynamics at play in every relationship and it is when we lose sight of them that relationships seem overwhelmingly complicated.

Perhaps the first key to lasting love is to fall first for yourself. The injunction to “love others as ourselves” requires that we learn to love ourselves first.

Some skills, such as the ability to listen with empathy are also called for which if we practise well will enhance the depth and richness of our relationship.

There is also the dynamics of masculine and feminine energies in intimate relationships which often confuse us when we are not mindful of them.


Here are some results from the Relationship Workshop that are possible for you:

  • You learn to connect with yourself and with your other with authenticity, intimacy and freedom
  • You explore the dynamics of the masculine and feminine energies that is in all of us
  • You learn to relate to your partner with empathy and attention
  • You begin to experience courage in risking yourself in the relationship.



Programme Brochure

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(Inclusive of SST)