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What lies behind us, and what lies before us,
are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.
Personal Growth — Ralph Waldo Emerson
HomePersonal Growth

Learning to live by going through the “school of hard knocks” too often costs too much — personally and in relationships.

In the “school” of Heart Knocks (we are a training company) we offer you a Curriculum for Full Living in which you will find a learning path that will have you negotiate the turbulent waters of life with the calm and ease that begins with awareness and understanding of self and others, followed by life-long learning and growth.


Advanced Living Series

The Advanced Living Series is a 3-part experiential training programme designed to have you bring out all the potential and possibilities from within you so that you can create and live the life that you want.

Advanced Living Series [ALS]

Embark on a 3-part experiential training programme designed to advance your living skills, in communications and relationships, in career advancement, and in the achievement of your dreams and goals in life.

Discovery Training [DT]

Begin by exploring and discovering what makes you tick and what holds you back, and start to see the possibilities for yourself that you have before you.

Transformation Training [TT]

Immerse yourself in a rigorous environment in which you get to stretch further than you have ever done before, and have a taste of what it can feel to live without limitation.

Legacy Programme [LP]

Make it real by taking life full on for 100 days, aligning yourself with a team committed to challenging each other to create breakthroughs you never thought possible.


Blissful Living Set

The Blissful Living Set is designed to open up that other half of life that is often ignored, neglected or denied, sometimes at great cost to our mental and physical well-being and personal happiness.

Blissful Living Set [BLS]

The BLS is designed to open up that other half of life that is often ignored, neglected or denied, sometimes at great cost to our mental and physical well-being and personal happiness.

Masters Course [MC]

In this training you get to explore the heart of what distinguishes a master from everyone else and what defines that line where skill crosses over to mastery.

Personal Mastery [PM]

Personal Mastery offers you a set of specific actions that will open the way for a palpable experience of stepping towards mastery.

Shoshin [SS]

Shoshin is a six-month journey of discipline and daily practices to have you rediscover the ease and serenity that come from simply being in harmony with yourself and with the flow of life.


Colourful Living Workshops

What areas of your life would be important to you? Inner peace, a sense of equanimity in the face of uncertain futures, a more harmonious relationship with your life partner and family?

The Colourful Living Workshops are designed to add new dimensions of richness and fulfillment in all the important aspects of your life.

Colourful Living Workshops [CLW]

What areas of your life would be important to you? Inner peace, a sense of equanimity in the face of uncertain futures, a more harmonious relationship with your life partner and family? The Colourful Living Workshops are designed to add new dimensions of richness and fulfillment in all these aspects...

Living Everyday in Abundance & Prosperity [LEAP]

Life can seem like an endless pursuit for ease and security. We want enough money to ward off our worry about the future. We look for love that will stay with us forever. We desire things that promise to make us feel complete.

Power of Intimacy [POI]

We are wired for survival in a very powerful way, and this colours every thought we think and every act we do. This instinct unconsciously prevents us from creating the closeness, intimacy and happiness that we truly wish for ourselves and in our life.

Relationship Workshop [RW]

Whether you are looking for a relationship, or longing to rekindle the passion you once had, or wanting to be close to someone important to you, the Relationship Workshop is designed to set you on your way to creating and nurturing a meaningful and lasting relationship with an intimate partner.

The 5th Element [5E]

The ability and capacity to express our sexuality in a healthy and enlightened way can bring that much more fulfilment in our lives and in our relationships. The 5th Element is designed to help you explore the beliefs, behaviours and conversations that makes you have a positive or negative experience...


Dynamic Learning Labs

Dynamic Learning Labs are a set of workshops designed to give you the tools, models and methods to let you create the results you want in specific areas of your life.

Winning Conversations™ [WC]

Winning Conversations offers you a proven tool and specific coaching for transforming your conversations and relationships with others, and with yourself. As a result, you will find a new sense of joy, freedom, and ease with life and with the world.

A Warriors Weekend with The Samurai Game® [WW]

The Samurai Game® is a highly challenging, psychologically intense simulation game in which participants take on the role of medieval Samurai, and cross a boundary in the mind and, for the duration of the game, operate under unfamiliar modes of relationship and governance.

Wisdom of The Heart [WOH]

Wisdom of the Heart offers a transformative journey using conscious breathing to shift from fear to love. The workshop combines theory, interactive exercises, and meditation to help balance the nervous system, leading to greater clarity, peace, and well-being.

Art of Relating – Part 1: Interpersonal Styles [AOR1]

This is a fun-filled workshop where participants discover their default style of communication, and learn skills and techniques to bridge the communication gap between them and other people with a different style.

Art of Relating – Part 2: Listening Skills [AOR2]

Participants get to experience different ways of listening (or not) and discover the surprising power of active listening that can move the person being listened to at the ontological level.

Art of Relating – Part 3: Learning Modalities [AOR3]

Participants explore the different ways in which people learn and absorb information, and in so doing learn to communicate in a way that will reach people with different modalities.

Art of Relating (Full Set) [AOR]

This set of 3 evening workshops empowers individuals to enhance their communications skills, build harmonious relationships, and adapt thei approach to effectively connect with the diverse styles and preferences of other people.


Exclusively Targeted Courses

We have many identities and roles, at home and at work. The Exclusively Targeted Courses are focused on specific groups of people who have a set of common challenges — parents, men, women, etc.

Discovering Your Child™ [DYC]

Discovering Your Child is a workshop designed to support you in creating a happy and loving environment at home for both parent and child.


Family & Me

The “Family & Me” fosters growth for teens (13-17) and parents, emphasizing personal development and strengthening family bonds. Building a thriving society begins with a strong family foundation.

Family & Me [FAM]

Family & Me is designed to foster growth for teens (13-17) and parents, emphasizing personal development and strengthening family bonds. Building a thriving society begins with a strong family foundation.

The Samurai Game® for Teens [TSGT]

Unlock your potential with The Samurai Game® for Teens, designed for ages 13-17. This dynamic, immersive experience enhances performance in sports, academics, and leadership.

Discovery Training for Teens [DTT]

The teenage years (13-17) are a critical period when young people begin to develop their own identity and navigate the world around them. As much as parental guidance can support them to do that, they have an inbuilt need to figure out the answers for themselves.

Discovering Your Child™ [DYC]

Discovering Your Child is a workshop designed to support you in creating a happy and loving environment at home for both parent and child.


Graduate Application Programmes

If you are a graduate of the Advanced Living Series, you get to revisit your learning in greater depth as you get a behind-the-scene view of the trainings you have attended.

Switching Hats™ [SWH]

Switching Hats for Leadership Dexterity supports the executive, the manager, and the coach, in recognising what the situation or state of play of a team or individual requires and how to respond and where to lead them next.

Legacy Reloaded [LR]

Legacy Reloaded is an advanced leadership programme designed for people who have already experienced success in their life.