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HomePersonal GrowthShoshin [SS]


One of the foundational learnings that you will have gained, beginning with the Discovery Training, is that our avoidance of what we perceive to be the difficulties of life are a source of more difficulties we find ourselves faced with. As we continue to wish, even insist, that life should be easy in the way that we think it should be, we create a vicious cycle of self limitation and sabotage.

Contrary to what our rational mind tells us, it is in surrendering to life as it unfolds, instead of continued resistance, that we will find the shift in our experience from stress, pressure, and conflict, to harmony, ease, and inner peace.

Shoshin is a six-month journey of discipline and daily practices to help you let go of the resistance—intellectual, emotional and physical—that keeps you from rediscovering the ease and serenity that come from simply being in harmony with yourself, and with the flow of life.

Shoshin is the journey that takes Mastery on the road.


Some results you may expect from participating in Shoshin:

  • You discover areas of resistance in your life and learn to release it.
  • You have the opportunity to confront the fears that separate you from fully engaging in life and learn how to conquer them
  • You embark on daily disciplines and exercises that train your intellectual, physical and emotional faculties for more consistent balance, focus and harmony.
  • You will be offered the knowledge and skills to enable you to serve as a powerful and effective coach for others.

As your experience of acceptance grows, you will feel more and more whole and complete, more at home within yourself and at one with the world.



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Register for the Blissful Living Set


(Inclusive of SST)