Legacy Programme [LP]
Make it real by taking life full on for 100 days, aligning yourself with a team committed to challenging each other to create breakthroughs...
Transformation Training [TT]
Immerse yourself in a rigorous environment in which you get to stretch further than you have ever done before, and have a taste of...
Discovery Training [DT]
Begin by exploring and discovering what makes you tick and what holds you back, and start to see the possibilities for yourself that you...
Advanced Living Series [ALS]
Embark on a 3-part experiential training programme designed to advance your living skills, in communications and relationships, in career advancement, and in the achievement...
Shoshin [SS]
Shoshin is a six-month journey of discipline and daily practices to have you rediscover the ease and serenity that come from simply being in...
Personal Mastery [PM]
Personal Mastery offers you a set of specific actions that will open the way for a palpable experience of stepping towards mastery.
Masters Course [MC]
In this training you get to explore the heart of what distinguishes a master from everyone else and what defines that line where skill...